Alberta Lottery License

Alberta Lottery License

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An 80-years-old Great-Grandma from Alberta, Canada, Wins $50 Million in Lottery

Alberta Lottery License Renewal

This November, an incredible surprise awaited for Mrs. Lois Olsen, an 80-years-old grandma from a small town in Canada. For over a half century she has been living in a small farming settlement and working at a small farm, milking cows, looking after cattle and chickens, and living all the hardships of traditional rural life. Today, she is the oldest member of a large family of three children, with their own grown up children and grandchildren.


A few weeks ago she bought a lottery ticket, and winning such an amount of money was not something in her mind. The other day, she went to a grocery store and did her daily shopping. She stopped for a moment at a lottery checking machine to make sure if the ticket she bought brought her some 15-20 dollars win. However, the news has fallen onto her head as a windfall. After learning that she had won 50 million dollars, she calmly took her groceries and left the shop without thinking about the crazy money and her amazing luck.

A few days later, when receiving her cheque, she shared with the reporters her future plans for spending the money. First of all, she intends to buy a new car instead of her 11-years-old one, which would be a little more comfortable for her to get in and out. Besides, some money will go to support her large family. However, Lois underlined that in her opinion, money had come a little late in her life. She told the reports that she had had the hardest times in her life when she had to work hard and struggle. That is why, according to Mrs. Olsen, now money does not make a really big difference for her.

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