Fnv Roulette Strategy

There are three main types of Roulette game available, and each one has its differences from the others.

So it makes sense to say that people will adopt different strategies for each type of game. But what is the best Roulette strategy for each game, and what is the best way to tweak and optimize your strategy?

First of all, to develop any kind of Roulette strategy you need to able able to have time at the table and not have too many distractions so you can think your strategy through.

The best way to do this is to play Roulette online so you can have the table to yourself and enjoy the freedom that playing online allows.

Roulette Strategy To Win

​Here is the perfect strategy for using on an online Roulette table, and one that does not take a lot of learning. It has proven to be very effective, and does not require much initial outlay to get it to work and can really improve your chances of winning at Roulette.

To try the best Roulette strategy out – click here

Step 1

Buy one stack of chips. In this example we will assume that the chips are of $1 denomination, so you will buy in for $20. Once you have your chips you need to break them down into 5 stacks of 4 chips each. You then need to play five of the 6-line bets, so each stack of 4 chips you have on 5 of the 6-line bets.

It is important that you cover as many numbers as possible, so make sure that you spread them out so each bet is covering two rows on their own, and not doubling up with another bet. As you will be covering 5 out of the 6 winning possible 6-lines, you stand a high chance of winning. If you win, you will win 20 chips (4 x 5 = 20), so including your winning bet you will now have a total of 24 chips.

Step 2

Roulette is a Short-Term Game. Set a limit for your losses and set a goal for your winnings before. Mar 07, 2021 Cause-5: A Black screen during the game loading screen with the rotating roulette wheel, and no sound might be a problem with the audio driver. Solution-5: Locate the sound card or integrated audio device driver for your version of Windows on the vendor site and re-install. (These are often different from those available from 'Microsoft Updates'.).

Step 2 is very easy. You need to break down your 24 chips in half, so you have two stacks of 12 chips. You then put one of the stacks of 12 on one of the dozens, and the other stack on another of the dozens. So you now have two out of the three dozen’s covered. If the ball lands in one of your dozens you will win 2-1 on your bet, so that will pay you 24 chips, plus the 12 from the winning bet will mean you now have a total of 36 chips.

Tip: To optimize your chances more, play European Roulette in your online casino account. This is because you have a better chance of success with even money outside bets when playing European rather than American roulette. You can play European Roulette here

Step 3

Now you have a total of 36 chips, and you want to break these down into 6 stacks of 6 chips (when playing online Roulette, you won’t actually be able to break the chips down into stacks, but you should just place 6 bets of 6 chips). Next you need to cover 6 corner bets with your 6 chip stacks. Make sure you spread them out as much as possible and do not double up on any numbers so you have as much of the table covered as possible.

Fnv Roulette Strategy

If you hit a winner you will win 48 chips (6 x 8 = 48), then with your winning bet you will now have a total of 54 chips.

Step 4

Now with your 54 chips you will need to break them down into 9 stacks of 6 chips, and then place them on any 9 of the 12 possible street bets. Again you are giving yourself a good chance of winning by covering the majority of the possibilities, with your bets. If you hit a winner your bet will pay out 66 chips (6 x 11 = 66), plus with the 6 chips you have from your winning bet you will now have a total of 72 chips.

Step 5

Now with your 72 chips, you need to break them down into 14 stacks of 5 chips. The next bets you are going to cover are the splits, so place your bets on 14 different split bets and make sure that you do not double up on any numbers so you can cover as much of the table as possible. You will have 2 chips left over when you do this, so place these 2 chips straight up on any of the empty numbers as a kind of insurance.

Now if you hit a winning split bet, you will win a total of 85 chips (5 x 17 = 85), plus the 5 chips you have from the winning bet will give you a total of 90 chips.

Step 6

You now have 90 chips from your initial $20 buy-in, so you are doing well. But there is one final step that can improve your winnings even more. Now we are going to bet straight up bets, the highest paying bet on the Roulette wheel. So for this you need to break your 90 chips down into 22 stacks of 4 chips (total 88 chips) and you will have 2 left over for insurance.

So now you are going to place your 22 stacks of 4 chips on any of the straight up numbers. Do not double up, make sure you just use 4 chips maximum on any number so you cover as much of the table as possible. Then with the remaining 2 chips, place them on any of the empty numbers (1 chip on each), so if you do hit one of these you can start the process again.

Best roulette strategy

Fallout New Vegas Roulette Strategy

Now if you hit a winning number you will win a total of 140 chips (4 x 35 = 140), plus with the 4 chips you have from the winning bet you now have a total of 144 chips, so $144 in this case. This is a good return on your $20 investment! If you are looking for the best Roulette strategy to try now on your online Roulette game, give this one a go….it works very well!

Click here to try this Roulette strategy out now


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Golden Tiger Casino

Roulette is one of the most exciting games in the casino because it’s a game people can play (and win!) together. No system works all the time, but knowing a few basic strategies can help minimize losses and maximize gains.

Roulette is a pure game of luck. There is absolutely no 100% successful strategy for winning at roulette, despite numerous advertisements to the contrary in some newspapers and on the internet. Even Albert Einstein weighed in on the subject, reputedly saying “You cannot beat a roulette table unless you steal money from it.” Since stealing money off a roulette table is a very bad idea in the modern casino, I decided to look at some popular strategies that have developed since the game began back in the late 18th century. Allegedly derived from efforts by Blaise Pascal to create a perpetual motion machine in the 17th century, the French novel La Roulette, ou le Jour by Jaques Lablee describes a modern roulette wheel being played in 1796 inside the Palais Royal in Paris.

People have been devising strategies on how to win ever since.

Roulette has a relatively high house advantage, especially on the double zero tables that populate most Vegas casinos. It’s a fun game to play, but it’s a RNG (Random Number Generator) game where the odds stay exactly the same on every spin. In other words, if Red numbers have hit five times in a row, the chance of a Red number hitting on the next spin remains 47.37%, the exact same chance that a Black number will hit. Roulette is not an even money game because the 0 and 00 each have a 2.63% chance of hitting, thus reducing all the “even money” bets (red/black, odd/even, high/low) to 47.37%.

Since the odds remain exactly the same on every spin, most popular strategies for winning at roulette focus on manipulating the amount of units you wager. I’ve experimented with several of the following systems and can say that the one thing they all do (if you adhere to them) is limit your losses. There’s something to be said for following your gut feeling when you walk passed a roulette table. Either keep on walking or look at the results board and try to double your money with one bet.

Tip #1 – Roulette is a Short-Term Game. Set a limit for your losses and set a goal for your winnings before you start to play.

Tip #2 – Avoid the Martingale System. This is the system very popular with people who have had too much to drink. Like the game of roulette itself, the Martingale System began in France in the 18th century. The strategy requires that the gambler double his even money bet after every loss so that the first win recovers all previous bets plus a profit equal to the first amount wagered. The problems with the system are threefold. First, it requires an unlimited bankroll. Second, most casinos have table maximum limits to curtail this system. Third, a $10 initial bet turns into a $160 bet if you lose just four times in a row. Mathematicians sometimes like to tweak the Martingale System and use the Fibonocci sequence (1,1,2,3,5,8,13…) where the sum of the two previous bets equals the next bet. Elegant, yes, but it’s just a slower road to ruin with less winnings on a hot streak.

Fnv Roulette Strategy Tactics

Tip #3 – If you’re good with numbers, try the Labouchère system. This may require a piece of paper and a pen, two things the pit boss might not allow you to use. It’s an involved mathematical progression, but you might be able to keep track of by using your chip stack. Basically you decide how much you want to win and then write down a list of numbers that equal that amount. A player stakes an amount equal to the sum of the first and last numbers on the list with every bet. If the bet is successful, the two amounts are removed from the list. If the bet is unsuccessful, the amount lost is appended to the end of the list and the player stakes an amount equal to the sum of the first and (new) last number on the list. As with any system, a bad losing streak can bust you. But, even a moderate hot streak can help you hit your target win amount.

Roulette Game

Tip #4 – Start Small and Wait for an Overdue 2-1 Bet. Sit down with your loss limit and target win clearly in mind. Place small even money bets (red/black. odd/even, high/low) bets until you get a feel for the table. Watch for trends, either recurring ones or overdue, in the “1st 12”, “2nd 12” and “3rd 12” groupings. When you feel ready, make you move. Double your average units wagered and pick a group (either 1-12, 13-24, or 25-36). Unlike regular outside bets, these groups of a dozen pay 2-1. This is a variant of the “Double Dozens” strategy. Play it until it hits or you bust. If it hits, take some of your winnings and cover some of the overdue numbers in that group. For example, I like to wait until there’s been a dry spell in high numbers, then bet the “3rd 12” group until it hits and then when it does hit use some of my 2-1 win to cover the inside numbers 30-36, letting the rest ride on “3rd 12”. A lucky back-to-back win can be very profitable when upping your bet with the house’s money!

Although there’s the same probability (2.63%) of any single number hitting on any single spin, trends do occur in roulette and waiting for them is part of the fun and excitement, as well as part of playing to win (or at least limit losses).

Next week I’ll look at some legendary roulette wins, along with some other Vegas myths and legends.